André Papillon
Notice biographique
ANDRÉ PAPILLON est professeur à la faculté de musique de l'Université Laval. Il a également publié le 5e concerto pour flûte de François Devienne et un recueil d'obbligatos pour flûte tirés de cantates de Bach.
ANDRÉ PAPILLON is currently professor of flute, chamber music and music litterature at the Music Faculty of Laval University (Québec). His publications include an edition for flute and piano of Concerto no. 5 by François Devienne, as well as an arrangement for flute and piano of obbligatos taken from the cantatas of Johann Sebastian Bach.
ANDRÉ PAPILLON is currently professor of flute, chamber music and music litterature at the Music Faculty of Laval University (Québec). His publications include an edition for flute and piano of Concerto no. 5 by François Devienne, as well as an arrangement for flute and piano of obbligatos taken from the cantatas of Johann Sebastian Bach.

Arts - études
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