Patrick Donovan
Notice biographique
Patrick Donovan est attaché de recherche pour le Réseau de recherche sur les communautés québécoises d’expression anglaise (QUESCREN). Il détient un doctorat en histoire de l’Université Laval et sa thèse porte sur l’évolution des frontières ethnoreligieuses au sein des réseaux de services sociaux s’adressant aux anglophones de la ville de Québec. Titulaire d’une maîtrise en conservation de l'environnement bâti de l’Université de Montréal, il a joué un rôle déterminant dans la restauration et l’établissement du Morrin Centre, un site patrimonial et centre culturel de langue anglaise à Québec. Patrick collabore à des projets de QUESCREN depuis 2010.
Patrick Donovan is a Research Associate for the Quebec English-Speaking Community Research Network (QUESCREN). His PhD research in history (Université Laval) deals with the evolution of ethno-religious boundaries within charitable networks for Quebec City’s English-speakers. He has a Master's degree in Heritage Preservation (Université de Montréal), and played an instrumental role in the restoration and establishment of the Morrin Centre, an English-language cultural centre and heritage site in Quebec City. Patrick has worked on QUESCREN projects since 2010.
Patrick Donovan is a Research Associate for the Quebec English-Speaking Community Research Network (QUESCREN). His PhD research in history (Université Laval) deals with the evolution of ethno-religious boundaries within charitable networks for Quebec City’s English-speakers. He has a Master's degree in Heritage Preservation (Université de Montréal), and played an instrumental role in the restoration and establishment of the Morrin Centre, an English-language cultural centre and heritage site in Quebec City. Patrick has worked on QUESCREN projects since 2010.

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