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Québec city A Panorama of Sights

Discipline: Sociologie
Parution: 01 mai 2007
  • Nb. de pages:


A professor at Université Laval, Alain Vinet loves photography and has been devoting his leisure time to this art for over 30 years. Many of his pictures have appeared in Canadian and international magazines, on tourist websites and brochures, and in books, calendars, and business advertising. Some of them annually illustrate the official program of Quebec City's Fêtes de la Nouvelle-France.

This book is about Quebec City, his adopted hometown. Its contents are drawn from a collection of several thousand pictures that the author has accumulated over the years. It offers the unique standpoint of a resident photographer who has never tired of traipsing through his town in search of new lights and angles.

The author has entered many competitions and exhibitions. He has won several awards and distinctions, including a first prize from the city of Quebec in 2002 and first prize in the
Les plus beaux paysages competition of Tourisme Chaudière-Appalaches in winter 2006.

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