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Robots and Gadgets: Aging at Home

Robots and Gadgets: Aging at Home

Discipline: Santé - médecine
Parution: 10 janvier 2024
Why did we need to reflect on and write about smart-home technologies for the older person? What is a smart-home techology? In the face of smart-home promises to help the elderly person, and before these technologies are more widely used, we need to examine the ethical issues.


The aging of the world’s population has brought with it a set of challenges. Baby boomers in the Western world, who have lived through several cycles of change, are about to experience another transformation — the automation of in-home geriatric care. Equipping a home with interconnected gadgets and with robots that incorporate artificial intelligence seems increasingly possible. Such devices, connected to a wireless network and the Internet, can observe, communicate, and also assist caregivers, providing support to an elderly person as they age in their own home. These technologies have the potential to improve care for those suffering from various maladies, including dementia. Seniors may be more accepting of robots and gadgets if such devices enable them to remain in their home despite deficits related to aging. However, as bioethics has often demonstrated, it is important to critically analyze the implications of using these devices, as is proposed in this book.

À propos de ce livre

Dans les médias

Aide à domicile: bien baliser la technologie pour bien vieillir à la maison par Manon Plante, ULaval Nouvelles, 16 décembre 2024.

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