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Blackness and la Francophonie: Anti-Black Racism, Linguicism and the Construction and Negotiation of Multiple Minority Identities

Blackness and la Francophonie: Anti-Black Racism, Linguicism and the Construction and Negotiation of Multiple Minority Identities

Discipline: Sociologie
Parution: 16 septembre 2021
This book uncovers intricate convergences and divergences among Blackness, Canadian-ness and La Francophonie, positing anti-Black racism, linguistic discrimination, slavery, and colonialism and neo-colonialism as sites of identity exclusion. However, Black agency reconstructs and renegotiates identity meanings and praxis to strengthen belongingness and pave the way for inclusion in the future.


This book delves into the complexity of the exclusion of multiple minority identities against the backdrop of anti-Black racism, linguistic discrimination, slavery, and colonialism and neo-colonialism, along with resilience against identity exclusion. Analyzing the construction and negotiation of Canadian, Francophone, and Black-African identities, we juxtapose inclusive identity meanings with dominant perceptions to show ways in which race, language, ethnicity, and religion shape identities in the 21st century. Drawing on the criterial tradition, critical race theory, critical multiculturalism, and critical ethnography, we engage the work of Frantz Fanon and Negritude and utilize semi-structured interviews, document collection, and content analysis to interpret identity and identification. We shed light on identity exclusion and subjectivity that fuels identity strategizing and agency, and recommend reforms, including naming Black Canadians an independent designated group, and combining multiculturalism and official bilingualism to strengthen belongingness among Blacks and other marginalized communities and to build the inclusive future that we long for.

À propos de ce livre

Dans les médias

Compte rendu de Leyla Sall, Revue de l'Université de Moncton, vol. 51, no 2, 2020.

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