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En raison de circonstances indépendantes de notre volonté, le délai de livraison des commandes dépasse désormais les 10 jours. Nous nous excusons pour les inconvénients que cela pourrait causer. Nous tenons également à vous informer que nos bureaux seront fermés du 20 décembre 2024 au 5 janvier 2025. Pendant cette période, nous ne répondrons à aucun courriel et aucune commande ne sera expédiée. Toute l’équipe des Presses de l’Université Laval vous souhaite un heureux temps des Fêtes et vous offre ses meilleurs vœux pour la nouvelle année!

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Sport Organizations

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Sport Organizations

Parution: 28 février 2024
This book presents good practices to improve the situation of girls and women, quantitatively and qualitatively, in several facets of sport. It also addresses all people who identify as girls and women, whether cisgender or trans, as well as racialized people, Aboriginal people, people with disabilities and LGBTQ2+ people.


Women, people with disabilities and LGBTQ2+ people are more present on the sports scene, but important transformations are still needed in organizations so that these people are better represented and included in all sports disciplines. This book, which is the result of a research project conducted with sports organization managers, coaches, athletes, experts and other stakeholders in the field, proposes concrete solutions for sport organizations. Throughout the book we propose and explain good practices in the area of equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI). Together with numerous testimonials and examples from the field, these practices adapted to the sport environment make it possible to overcome the barriers that prevent women and people from historically marginalized groups from participating in sport and from reaching leadership positions within these organizations. The practices presented in this book are based on an analytical framework for inclusion in organizations that can be applied beyond the Quebec and Canadian context.

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