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Danigo! French Grammar Reorganised

Parution: 19 août 2004
  • Nb. de pages:


A textbook and workbook for students and adult learners of French.
°This book avoids grammatical terminology as much as possible.
°This book reorganises French grammar in an entirely new way.
°This book teaches you French grammar through the structures of spoken English, structures you already know.
°This book has thousands of practice sentences and answers to anchor what you have learned.
°The grammar points are presented in quiz-style, encouraging you to find the answer
before telling you it.
°Every sentence in French has an English translation, so you always understand them.
°Students can use this book at home to help them with specific areas of difficulty.
Eliminating the particular basic errors that you make, is the first step to better grades.
°This book has a full index of grammatical terms in French and English so you can find
the point that you want quickly.
°The sentences are relevant and refer to relationships, friendships, family, work, leisure
and current affairs.
°The practice sentences have a unique explanations stage which offers you help
(if you need it) before you have to look at the answer.
°This book is part of the Liverpool Languages Programme and was supported
by a grant from the Teaching and Learning Fund in the University of Liverpool.

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