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Make’em Write! The No-Mess Way to Extract a Dissertation from a Grad Student’s Brain

Make’em Write! The No-Mess Way to Extract a Dissertation from a Grad Student’s Brain

Parution: 05 février 2025
  • Nb. de pages:
Of all the requirements for obtaining a Ph.D., writing the dissertation is the hardest, and unfortunately the most painful for students. This book, written by two professors for the benefit of fellow graduate advisors, offers insights on how to help students progress through their dissertation, and tackles tricky questions about how to be a good supervisor, drawing on the authors’ own experiences as academic mentors.


This book won’t provide tips for adding luster to a research advisor’s C.V., nor is it a guide for torturing students. Instead, it offers reflections about how an advisor relationship can support students in learning scientific writing. It was written by two professors who, while at times embodying all of the caricatures depicted on the cover of this book, have won awards for the quality of their mentorship and been invited to take leadership of doctoral programs. Delivered with a dash of humour, this book represents whatever wisdom they could scrape together through their combined experiences of supervising more than 50 graduate students, not to mention five years of venting around the coffee machine.

French version to be released concurrently: Extraire une thèse d’un cerveau étudiant sans gâchis : favoriser la rédaction et la persévérance aux cycles supérieurs
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