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Exploring Leadership and Ethical Practice through Professional Inquiry

Exploring Leadership and Ethical Practice through Professional Inquiry

Parution: 07 octobre 2009
  • Nb. de pages:


Exploring Leadership and Ethical Practice through Professional Inquiry is wonderfully constructed to prompt us to analyze the perplexing problems that inevitably occur when people work in the same institution, through the visions, theories, and moral principles that underlie schools at their best. Marvelous – and marvelously narrated – cases, followed by tools for inquiry and lively reflections are well-designed to engage aspiring and practicing leaders in honing the ethical principles that will guide their own work.
Christine Sleeter, PhD
Professor Emerita, California State University Monterey Bay

Exploring Leadership and Ethical Practice through Professional Inquir
This collection of case studies is a perfect example of the potential role of professional inquiry as a professional learning approach. The truly exceptional achievement of this work is unquestionably the fact that it sought out highly reputed educators in the Ontario, national and international education communities. It is comforting to see that, in spite of their impressive collective knowledge and experience, even the commentators do not always agree when it comes to the most important areas of focus. The result is a multidimensional overview that can easily lead to provocative discussions. This work is a significant addition to the scholarship of educational leadership.
Serge Demers, Director
School of Education, Laurentian Universit
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